Money From Home Without a JOB

Who knew when we were celebrating New Years 2020 that it would turn our whole life on it’s head?  Now, I can tell you I was DREADING the political stuff that we’re inintated with come Presidental election year but I never in my wildest dreams (or nightmares),  saw 2020 to be this crazy.  I’ve lived a long time and seen many things but this takes the cake!!!  Can we do a reboot???

Our world will never be the same.  I see cars in the driveways now because people are working from home.  Many kids are home doing virtual learning.  This is a whole new way of living and I don’t see it changing any time soon.  The sad thing is that so many small businesses haven’t survived due to no traffic or all the destruction happening.  What do these people do?  I know back in the day when I was a single mother, I would have been hurting big time!!!

People are now looking for alternate ways to generate income.  Even as I was preparing for retirement, I knew that I would eventually need a part time job.  I have an expensive craft habit (scrapbooking is the main one but painting and sewing are a close second).  I also love to travel and experience new things.  So, I started looking online for something I could do from home.  While you’re criteria may be less restrictive, I could afford to have it my way (just like Burger King). 

My criteria:

  • I did NOT want a long commute anymore
  • Wanted to work part time
  • Wanted it to be flexible (work around MY time)
  • Something I could do from home (I was tired of suits)

Yeah, I know – that’s a lot but hey, shot for the moon right!

Surprisingly, there are many things that fit that order:  

  • Take surveys (tried – much time, little return)
  • Write e books (still a possibility)
  • Be a transcriptionist (they wanted typing of 60-70 wpm – oops)
  • Be an online customer service rep (didn’t want to hear complaints all day)
  • Teach students online mostly from other countries (didn’t think I’d be good)
  • Sell products on Etsy (still on table)
  • Be an Influencer (ummmmm, no)
  • Sell Products for a company as in Multi Level Marketing (MLM) ie Mary Kay, Avon, DoTerra, Young Living Oils, Damsel in Defense, Close to My Heart etc (doing)
  • Affiliate Marketing (doing)

I’ve worked for each of the MLM companies above and more.  In some, I did pretty well.  However, I don’t like to SELL NOR grow teams.  I got into these because I loved the product and received a discount on my purchases.  I still do Close to My Heart because I’m a scrapbooker and paper crafter. 

So, how does a MLM generally work? 

  • You sign on as a consultant
  • You sell products to your family, friends and referrals / You also try to grow a team of people under you
  • When you sell a product, part of the proceeds go to the person who recruited you and to the person who recruited them on up the line
  • If you recruit and have a team, you get proceeds from those who are on your team

Perhaps you’ve had family or friends that are involved in a MLM program and you feel obligated to help them.  They post frequently on FB (although sometimes the FB posts are helpful).  This CAN be a good way to earn extra money AND is legitimate.  Some people make really good money selling but more importantly growing a team.  If this is for you, that’s GREAT!  I love every one of the products I’ve listed above and will continue with Close to My Heart for a long time.  I’m just not good at selling but many are.  Thankfully we’re all different. 

The last option listed is Affiliate Marketing. 

How does Affiliate Marketing work?

  • You promote a companies products and/or services with a link on your website
  •  A customer clicks on the link and purchases
  • Company tracks purchases from a special ID given to you
  • You earn commission

When I first saw this, my thought was “Huh? I have NO idea how to do this”.  I stumbled onto a program called Wealthy Affiliate (WA).  I joined in 2011 but didn’t really get into it until 2013 when I retired.  I can tell you, without a doubt, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.  Why?

  • It fit every one of my hard to match criteria
  • Training is AWESOME.  It’s more relevant than all my years in college!
  • The community is fantastic, I’ve made friends all over the world
  • The founders (Kyle & Carson) are hands on
  • The support is beyond anything I’ve ever seen in my years of employment
  • It keeps my brain active – we have MANY seniors are members

Honestly though, this is NOT for everyone.  It’s definitely not a get rich quick scam.  It takes work and dedication but it can be on YOUR time.  Someone is online 24/7.   Could I make more money than I do?  Yes, you get OUT what you put IN.  Your earning potential is limited only by your efforts.  The sky is the limit though! 

Ask yourself: 

          -Do I have knowledge/hobbies I’d love to share?

          -Would I like to work from anywhere? (Have laptop will travel!)

          -Do I enjoy meeting people all over the world?

          -Do I enjoy learning new things? (Keep your brain sharp)

Wealthy Affiliate opened my eyes to the idea of maybe doing an e book or give Etsy a shot.  I love that I’ve learned so much in a short period of time not only from the training but by interacting with other people from around the globe! 

We’re ALL in the 2020 quarantine situation and more people are coming online not only looking for income but to shop.  So, to me, this is an ideal situation.  It might be right for you too.  Surprisingly there are many seniors here.  Click HERE to check it out here for FREE!

NO CREDIT CARD is required and no one will bug you!

Full Disclosure: I WILL get a small commission if you decide to join us but I would NEVER lead you here simply for a commission.  However, I don’t like to be conned and I wouldn’t do that to anyone else! I’ve been here since 2011 and love it!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Comments and Thoughts are welcomed and encouraged!!!

My next blog will talk about my knee replacement. Whooo Hoooo! How fun is that?!?! LOL

Until then………….Hugs


Founder of Scrapbooking For Anyone and Not Your Mamas Senior

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