So, we’re all stuck inside and what are we wanting to eat? Lettuce? Ummmm, NO! WHO craves lettuce and really, if you think about it — have you ever seen a skinny rabbit? Yeah, me neither. So, why do we eat lettuce to lose weight? Go ahead…think….I’ll wait. I have time!

MY answer to the question….we want Comfort Food. So, I saw this cute quiz titled Comfort Food IQ! Who knew we had one of these but while we’re stuck inside, we might as well exercise our brains:
1. Which of these comfort foods does not have an emoji?
- A. Hot Dog
- B. Burrito
- C. Pancakes
- D. Potato Chips
2. What’s another name for Chicken and Dumplings?
- A. Parchment chicken
- B. Chicken and slicks
- C. Saucy chicken
- D. Noodle bird
3. Why does lava cake have a gooey center?
- A. Hot fudge is piped into it after baking
- B. A center of chopped chocolate melts after baking
- C. Cake is underbaked so the middle is still runny
- D. Center is made of pudding
4. Which of these creamy pasta dishes does NOT typically have milk?
- A. Carbonara
- B. Alfredo
- C. Penne alla vodka
- D. Mac and cheese
5. What meats are in the “meatloaf mix” sold at supermarkets?
- A. Beef and veal
- B. Pork and veal
- C. Beef (with herbs and spices)
- D. Beef, pork and veal
6. Match the type of gravy to the food it’s commonly served with: Redeye, Sausage, Cream, Giblet
- A. Ham
- B. Chicken or turkey
- C. Cream
- D. Chicken-fried steak
7. Which combo of veggies are you most likely to find in chicken pot pie?
- A. Peas, potatoes, broccoli
- B. Peas, carrots, onions
- C. Corn and peas
- D. Corn, red and green peppers
8. Chicken-fried steak is typically made with what?
- A. Chicken
- B. Pork
- C. Beef
- D. Veal
9. Which of these ingredients is not found in a traditional Texas chili?
- A. Beans
- B. Tomatoes
- C. Ground beef
- D. A, B & C
10. Why are grilled cheese sandwiches often served with tomato soup?
- A. Traditional pairing in England where both were invented
- B. School kids loved the 2 served together
- C. NYC Waldorf Astoria hotel offered the duo in the 1940s & it stuck
- D. During WWII, soldiers cobbled the meal together from their ration kits
11. Which cut of beef is used to make pot roast?
- A. Chuck
- B. Sirloin
- C. Tenderloin
- D. Brisket
12. What is the name of the white sauce frequently used in mac & cheese?
- A. Veloute
- B. Hollandaise
- C. Consomme
- D. Bechamel
13. Which of these pies is made with chocolate?
- A. Hoosier
- B. French silk
- C. Chess
- D. Shoofly
14. Cincinnati chili is traditionally served over which starch?
- A. Mashed potatoes
- B. Spaghetti
- C. Rice
- D. Cornbread
15. Which of these dishes is a casserole?
- A. Chicken tetrazzini
- B. Beef stroganoff
- C. Chicken Kiev
- D. Steak Diane
16. T__F__ Grits and polenta are the same
17. T__F__ When making biscuits, you should melt butter before adding into dough
18. T__F__ Spaghetti and meatballs originated in America
19. T__F__ Chowder is the same as bisque
20. T__F__ Traditional green bean casserole is made with cream of chicken soup
Answers: (give yourself a point for each correct)
- D
- B
- C (yuk?)
- A (creaminess comes from eggs)
- D
- A Redeye, B Giblet, C Sausage, D Cream
- B
- C (breaded and fried like chicken)
- D
- B
- A (one of my FAVS with mashed potatoes!)
- D (equal parts butter and flour and whisk)
- B
- B (invented in 1920s at Empress Chili Parlor in Cincinnati)
- A
- F (different types of corn)
- F (work cold butter in until size of peas)
- T (really? how many Italians beg to differ on this?)
- F (bisque is smoother than chowder)
- F (estimated 40% of mushroom soup sold used for this dish)
So—-how’d you do? I pretty much flunked but y’all expected that.
0-7 points: Total Discomfort. You need a crash course in comfort food
8-17 points: Getting Warmer. You’re no stranger but you need more of it.
18 and above points: Comfort Zone. Celebrate but not a lot. Comfort food has a LOT of calories unless you’re working them off.
If any of you awesome cooks have an issue with an answer, please argue with the Food Network Magazine, March 2019 issue. I have NO idea how I came to possess this magazine but I thought the quiz was fun.
I could really go for some chicken and dumplings right now though ……………my crash course I guess.
SO, what was YOUR score and what is YOUR favorite comfort food?
Comments/Thoughts are welcome and encouraged as always.
Creator of Not Your Mama’s Senior